Sunday, May 20, 2012

how to approach trading in general

how to approach trading in general

well u need to emphasize that each market and each new event is different then the one before!no market is the same as the one before or the next to come... there is no black and white!however the underlying market mechanics and principles dont change , they are always the same..the market reflects those principles just in a different way each time ... based on liquidtity,volatility, average

volume etc. it just comes in differnt shapes forms and size but the mechanics behind what u see are still the same..
and how to interpret the current market action.. is just a matter of experience.. and the basic logics i describe on this blog

u need to know that setups and trading opportunitys wont play out picture perfect all the time.. as there is no exact situation then the one before ,even if it looks like it is in first place .. there is always an uncertainty ,any thig can happen within the next few minutes or seconds or even a blink of an eye.
u never gonna know if someone throws a big size bet and scares the market etc..or something similar crazy thing happening ,but u have to act in such a situation the right way and this is a just a matter of reading the action correctly , with the basic laws in the back of your head , it will sink in and any new situation will be read correctly and therfeore the action u take or not , will be because of the current sitaution and not because of pre biased views or actions.. u will adobt t each new situation ...

the market is a ever changing beast u cant force into simple patterns.. wich do occure from time to time but thats just a part of that chaotic behaviour... notice its not random.. its chaotic if u know that there is a cause for each move u know what might be the next most likely action to take place.. but its not 100% sure... nothing is but we are not here to predict the future , but to put as the odds in our favour and participate.. what the market does next is not in our hands , but when to exit is in our hands and that should be as soon as there is a change in behaviour in progress , wich will develpoe again depending on the actual situation.. u will notice that sometingis cooking or doesent seems rihht .. for a open position etc.. as u have watched the market till this hapened..

aswell as u need to know that u have to find the perfect market situation in order to decide if its tradeable or u need to see if the markets talks to you.. or not..

u know ,there are bad and good market conditions and u simple have to decide if the current market is tradeable or not depending on alot of factors , wich includes your approach on trading wich have to be met in order to be successfully aswell as the market ,believe it or not , will often throw out almost crytsall clear signals in wich driection it will go or if a certain level will hold or break , and then u have to trade the obvious scenarios .. where the market litteraly begs you to take a certain trade .. this is where patience pays out .

only trade the obvious! if in doubt stay out.. the market can act pretty unpredictable from time to time ;).. and if u cant see anything or read the market comfortable.. then by all means stay out!

u will know when to trade or when not or when the market gets freaky.. etc..
and u will know when u can act uppon the action as u have interpreted .. then u can take a trade.. and even then the tide can change within a second.. so u have to stay flexible.. either scratch or change direction of a trade (wich would be more advanced)

so basically

u have to get the actual market situation right and the conditions to your trading style have to be matched u need to get the odds in your favour .. (the more the better)..
u have to trade the edges not in bewteen , only on key levels
u need to trade a size where you feel confident...

Stay Tuned for Breakouts , Bounces and more... ;)


Can you please explain why you prefer trading BetDaq over Futures (X_Trader)

Thanks in advance

Hi Maxim

Good question , but i dont prefer one or the other
there are several advances and tricks wich only betdaq can come up with .. i work on a top 10 list why to trade on betdaq . wich includes ultra low comission (wich u only pay on a winning trade)
u can trade on weekends too .. ie u could trade 24/7 all year long .. no broker, direct access to the market .. u dont pay no fees . etc...
btw. winnings on betdaq are Tax free ;)

the markets are quite new . where u will find many uncovered edges to exploit ....

however u cant really compare the futures market with the sports betting exchange .. but the underlying market mechanics are the same thou.. (PreOff)

so in the end , u could trade the same way on both exchanges , but u save a hell of a lot money on betdaq and have the advantage to make ones own hours ;)

hope that helps , stay tuned for my Top 10 article.. and breakouts bounce scenarios and how to spot and trade them ;)

cheers happy weekend

hi. very good read but what you say is to trade at the edge where resistance point are. I can say that it's easier to follow the trend. Perhaps it's a different strategy, I find more situations where trend continue, sometimes very fast when traders panic. I can say with good probability when a trend will continue based on traded range and other horses prices and I think it's safer in the long run. Until now I haven't find any technique or graph used in stock exchange that works for sport trading.



yes , but support is also an edge , and if you trade on resistance for example.. u may want to look out fo a bounce off that level.. rather then a breakout .. but then again depends.. on thebackground and price action..

following trend is fine and on pullbacks and reteracements..

well u can find me on manny different trading forums .. with the name PrymeTyme .. and basically the same principle i use on futures and forex are appliable on the sports markets..

check out the woprk of Wyckoff for example
found @

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